![]() 08/04/2014 at 17:48 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Do you like RPGs? Do you want an RPG where you can actually dodge your opponent's attacks? Do you want an RPG where instead of bows and swords you use assult rifles and shotguns? Do you want an RPG that takes place in New York City? Do you want to kick some fucked up creature ass? Well if you answered yes to any of those question let me just direct you towards Parasite Eve, one of the PS1's most under appreciated games! Highly reccomend checking it out! Also if you have access to the PSN store you can snag it for only $6!
![]() 08/04/2014 at 17:51 |
This is a good game. Pretty much golden age of JRPGs at that time so almost anything from that era you pick up will be good. IDK how old you are but if you are like 10 years younger than me and didn't play many PS one stuff I can give you some recommendations. That was my gaming heyday lol
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:00 |
I had a PS1 as my first console! That probobly has something to do with my love of J-RPGs. That and the fact that FF9 was the first game I played. Though I'm open to suggestions for PS1 rpgs. I've played;
FF 7-9
Wild Arms
Chrono Cross
Paracite eve
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:08 |
Great game. I played through both the original and the sequel when they came out. I replayed both of them four or five years later as well.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:10 |
I never really got that far in it, but this was my favourite non-racing PS1 game, just ahead of Silent Hill.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:15 |
Bought it new back when it came out. Still have PE and PE II. Amazing games. Difficult and fucked up. But amazing.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:16 |
I've read the Let's Plays of this and its sequel at lparchive. So very Japan.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:20 |
I hate to poo poo on everyone and their Jparty, but I remember the release of this game. The TV commercials had epic and amazing CGI videoscapes. So everyone bought the game, and discovered that the whole commercial was not gameplay whatsoever, but just clips of video clips between goals achieved. The gameplay was just like any other game of the time. Meh was the end result. Their own advertising was anticlimactic.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:22 |
Up til NYC, I thought you were talking about Fallout 3.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:26 |
Woah now! This game may have some issues and the battle system was vagrent story-esq. However the gun customization, its active battle system, and its unique setting were pretty innovative if you asked me.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:30 |
Nah, Fallout 3 is more of a shooter with RPG elements as this is a more a traditonal RPG with random-ish battles (battles occur in set areas randomly). Though if you like Fallout you might like it.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:32 |
Whoa, I remember that one. I played it back when it was new, along with Resident Evil 1 or 2, even though I never actually had a PSX. Back in those days, consoles and games were much cheaper than they are now, and most video stores rented games as well, so we each tried to have a different console from our friends because then we could pitch together and play everything without spending a lot of cash. Renting a Nintendo or Sega cartridge was 5 reais per day, and renting a PSX CD cost 3 per day (most were pirate copies...), but weekends counted as a single day, so you could pick up a game Friday afternoon and try to finish it until Sunday night, then return it Monday morning, on the way to school and still pay for one single day. Agh, so many memories, my childhood was too good!
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:35 |
I will agree with you on how damn hard it is! I've died about 10 times so far and I'm still on disk one! I don't think I died twice in a modern RPG! But I love how it makes you conserve your healing supplies. It gives you a real sense of danger having to run around with just half of your life because you only have one more medicine!
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:38 |
Is it on Vita since my PS1 is long gone.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:39 |
So many excellent PS1 RPGs.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:49 |
I loved this game. Haven't played it since it came out, but it was the shit back in the day.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:50 |
(I had/have too many games)
Chrono Trigger
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
Final Fantasy Tactics
SaGa Frontier
Valkyrie Profile
Tactics Ogre
Jade Cocoon
Vandal Hearts
Persona 2
Star Ocean/Star Ocean 2
and obviously Parasite Eve II
![]() 08/04/2014 at 18:57 |
You always were my favorite editor!
![]() 08/04/2014 at 19:43 |
I loved this and it's sequel. I still have them somewhere. Still bummed I lost my memory card with the game saves for both games. I had Squall's gunblade in the second one unlocked.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 20:02 |
One thing to add, do not buy the sequel unless you're prepared to be sorely disappointed.
![]() 08/04/2014 at 22:55 |
![]() 08/04/2014 at 22:58 |
You earn a star
![]() 08/04/2014 at 23:58 |
If you buy it on PlayStation Network it can be played on PS3, PSP, or Vita.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 00:47 |
I bought this about 3-ish years ago and has been sitting on the shelf since, maybe it's time to finally play it. Of course I bought an original copy so I didn't get to pay just $6.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 07:06 |
Thanks for sharing! I don't have a modern PlayStation device, so I need to ask. One comment confirms that PE is compatible with PS Vista. With what other devices does this PSN title work?
![]() 08/05/2014 at 07:27 |
I wish I had the patience for a real RPG. These days I get antsy if I am sitting down playing anything for more than an hour.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 08:01 |
PS1 Jrpgs where the best! that's for sure!!
I had FF7 (bought it on ps3)/8
PE 1/2
Persona (my favourite besides the obvious ff7)
And rented a few others!
![]() 08/05/2014 at 08:27 |
I will always love Wild Arms for the soundtrack alone.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 09:12 |
Omg I remember this game!
![]() 08/05/2014 at 09:43 |
I remember learning the word mitochondria from that game, I was 11 and it sounded cool when they were explaining why the rats were the size of 7 year olds. Now I'm a doctor, true story.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 10:16 |
In 2000 and 2001 it was this and Gran Turismo 2 that dominated my Playstation.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 11:24 |
Parsasite Eve was waaaaay before Vagrant Story. It was also very underwhelming...with a story that was a big pile of WTF. Couldn't hold a candle to Vagrant Story.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 13:09 |
Loved that game. Had a bit of an unintended admission guilt when I fired up the PS1 to show my parents the game, and my main character was very clearly named "POTSMOKER". Good times.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 14:11 |
Potsmoker Brea, truely not even god himself could come up with such a beautiful name!
![]() 08/05/2014 at 14:15 |
But that's the awesome thing about Parasite Eve! It only takes about 10 hours to beat! Hell probobly 5 if you're speed running it!
![]() 08/05/2014 at 14:16 |
If you have a PSP it would work.
![]() 08/05/2014 at 15:56 |
This game was great. I pulled an all-nighter the night before my SATs because I was playing this damn thing. No regrets!
![]() 08/07/2014 at 02:04 |
for me it was Nintendo and SNES and PC, SNES and PSone for JRPGs was best. I preferred PC overall for like Fallout and Baldurs Gate but the JRPGs then were so good and there were so many. Not so much now though IMO.
You must play Xenogears and Final fantasy Tactics if you have not. Tactics Ogre is good as well but FFT and Xenogears are like required gaming, lol. Star Ocean 2 is also phenomenal.
The PSone era Dragon Warrior games were also great.
![]() 08/07/2014 at 20:08 |
Sure, it makes sense that PSP family members can share these titles. But what about the PS3 and 4? Will all generations of those machines play PS1 titles from PSN?